“Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.”“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
We were all set to write a piece on the current “fiscal cliff crisis” in Washington, but realized we wrote all that needs to be said last year when we faced essentially the same problem, but under different media labels – today’s “fiscal cliff” vs. 2010/11’s “debt ceiling debate”.
Apparently in Washington you can either be in the “spend too much” camp or the “tax to little” camp. There is no middle ground, no rational thought, no compromise and an abundance of mediocre minds.
So, we’re forced to wait for Congress and the President to agree on the least painful and most politically expedient legislation to avoid the “fiscal cliff.” This legislation is likely to trade-in the moderate pain caused by the “debt ceiling debate” can-kicking exercise in 2011 for a debilitating pain to be incurred by young workers and our children and grandchildren sometime in the future.
Instead of following the typical media outlet practice of regurgitating our good ideas in a new package, we decided to regurgitate our good ideas in their original packages.
Each one of the articles below could have been written today and given the insanity in Washington, we have no doubt that we’ll be able to recycle them again in 2013/14.
Government Doesn't Need A Raise (December 14th 2010) – A reminder that there are in fact two sides to the “deficit” equation. Total revenue gets all the attention in Congress and the White House, but it’s really the Total Spending part of the equation that needs to be addressed.
To Tax, or Not To Tax, That Is Not The Question (April 15th 2011) - Why taxing the rich isn’t as bad as Republicans think, but it’s laughable that Democrats believe this will materially reduce the deficit.
You Call That Compromise? (July 27th 2011) – Our commentary on the negotiations between Congress and the White House, plus our proposed Grand Bargain.
The Grand Mistake (July 29th 2011) – We urged the Tea Party Republicans to not overestimate their mandate coming out of the 2010 elections, and to avoid a US debt default. They obliged.
But Americans Want It! (August 1st, 2011) – The fallacy of basing tax policy (i.e. spending cuts vs. tax increases) on poorly constructed public opinion polls.
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures (August 9th, 2011) – Our analysis of the S&P downgrade of US debt, and our debunking of the “tea party downgrade” theory.
White House: Lower Taxes By Raising Taxes (December 6th, 2011) & Putrid Payroll Tax Politics (December 21st, 2011) – We remind everyone of the original purpose of payroll taxes and why cutting payroll taxes now without cutting future benefits will be a disaster for our children and grandchildren.
Testing the Logic of "Fairness" in Taxes (January 26th, 2012) – Discussing the lazy populist sound bite used over and over again by the Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress.
#Our2cents on #My2k (December 3rd, 2012) – Our latest piece on the absurd White House use Twitter to drum up populist support for extending the payroll tax holiday.